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 Class TVocFile               Introduction
 TVocFile()                   Object, not inicialized, constructor
 Exported Instance Variables

 cFileName                    Name of the VOC file                 Assignable
 lHardware                    Sound Blaster card available
 nDelay                       Delay for Play() speed. Default 12   Assignable
 nVolVocL, nVolVocR           Voc volume left and right            Assignable
 nVolMastL, nVolMastR         Master volume left and right         Assignable
 nVolLineL, nVolLineR         Liner volume left and right          Assignable
 nVolFML, nVolFMR             FM volume left and right             Assignable
 nVolRec                      Recording volume                     Assignable
 nIO                          SB card IO Port used                 Assignable
 Exported Methods

 Use( cFileName )             Uses a VOC file                      CONSTRUCTOR
 Play()                       Plays the VOC file
 Rec()                        Record a VOC file from microphone
 Use()                        End using a VOC file

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